Does God Still Judge Nations?

Does God still judge nations today? If so, how? What does it look like?

Let’s talk about it.

Key Takeaways

Many Christians are comfortable with the idea of God judging individuals but struggle with the concept of God judging nations.

  • Biblical passages suggest that God does judge nations, such as Isaiah 3 and Romans 1.

  • The covenant God made with Noah implies that God has moral expectations for all nations.

  • God's judgment on nations may look different in the New Covenant era, but it still occurs. Christians should take responsibility for the moral decay in society instead of blaming politicians or others.

  • God's judgment on nations can be both active and passive, and it may manifest in various ways.

  • No nation is exempt from God's judgment, and all nations are accountable to Him.

  • The Church plays a crucial role in upholding God's standards and bringing about repentance and belief in the truth.

  • God's patience should not be mistaken for approval, and nations should heed the warnings and consequences of their actions. Anti-Semitism is a spiritual problem, not a materialistic one.

  • The rise in anti-Semitism is a sign of spiritual malady and hatred.

  • America may be experiencing judgment due to its moral and ethical decline.

  • God offers mercy and salvation to all, but there comes a point where judgment is necessary.

  • The speakers emphasize the importance of turning to Christ and finding peace with God.

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