Walking By The Spirit

What does it mean to be walking with The Spirit and how can we do it?

Let’s talk about it

Key Takeaways

Walking by the Spirit involves habitually yielding to the influence of the Holy Spirit and fulfilling the moral requirements of the moral law.

  • Experiencing joy in the Christian life is not about constant happiness, but about having the strength to choose joy even in difficult circumstances.

  • There are benefits and pitfalls to both charismatic and non-charismatic perspectives, and it is important to find a balanced approach.

  • To walk by the Spirit, it is necessary to rid oneself of idols, eliminate unnecessary distractions, and pray continually.

  • Walking by the Spirit requires a focused mind and a humble reliance on God's power and guidance. Maintaining fellowship with Spirit-led believers is crucial for walking in the Spirit

  • Fear of God is important for maintaining a holy walk

  • Humility is necessary to walk in the Spirit and avoid pride

  • The fruit of the Spirit encompasses love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control

  • Consistently yielding to the Spirit's influence is key to walking in the Spirit The concept of being filled with the Holy Spirit is closely related to the idea of baptism in the Spirit and the indwelling of the Spirit.

  • There is no biblical command for believers to seek a subsequent baptism of the Spirit or to speak in tongues as evidence of this baptism.

  • The purpose of being filled with the Spirit is to proclaim the gospel and live in obedience to God, not just for personal enjoyment or experiences.

  • It is important to interpret descriptive passages in the book of Acts in light of the prescriptive teachings in the epistles.

  • Experiences of empowerment after salvation can have a sanctifying effect, but they should not be equated with the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

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