Lessons in Ministry

What are some valuable lessons learned in ministry?

Let’s talk about it.

Key Takeaways

Don't try to prove your worth in ministry; focus on loving people instead.

  • Seek out mentors who can guide and invest in you.

  • Read old books to gain wisdom and perspective from those who have gone before.

  • Recommended books: George Mueller's autobiography and The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A. Kempis. Make reading the Bible a priority and don't get too caught up in reading other books

  • Seek out mentors and be willing to open doors for others in ministry

  • Focus on serving and improving oneself for the sake of God's glory, not for personal gain

  • Cultivate a humble heart and genuine love for others in ministry

  • Practice patience and understand that the impact of our ministry may not be fully realized in our lifetime Pastors should strive to be accessible to their congregation, but they also need to set boundaries to protect their time and energy.

  • Ministry can be emotionally challenging, and pastors need a support system to help them navigate the difficulties.

  • It is important for pastors to be open and honest about their struggles and seek help when needed.

  • Entering into pastoral ministry requires counting the cost and being willing to endure criticism and make unpopular decisions.

  • A committed heart and a desire to serve God can make a significant impact, even with limited resources.

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