Romans 8 Revisited

Romans 8 Re-examined

A Sermon Series

Below you will find audio for a 3-week sermon series delving deeply into the so-called “golden chain of redemption” described in Romans 8:28-30.

It is common to hear arguments about the intention of this passage. Paul was not inspired to write these things for Christians to fight over. Sadly, our theological systems have obscured our view and produced division, rather than unity.

Good news! We can take a fresh look at what the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to write. This teaching is intended to edify and encourage followers of Christ. The truth is more glorious than you may have heard.

A 3-week sermon series on Romans 8


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Check out our book, Every Word: Read Your Bible in 90 Days. The best prescription for the division we see today amongst followers of Christ is a steady and healthy intake of God’s Word.


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