The Prison Epistles

Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon

Expository Preaching through Paul’s Prison Epistles

Each of Paul’s prison epistles is worth your careful attention and study. Below, you will find audio from our preaching series on each individual book.



The Church and More

An 8-week series through the book of Ephesians. This book discusses the lofty theological themes of Christ and His church.



Joy, Love, and Living Worthy of the Gospel

A 5-week series through the book of Philippians. May Christians abound in love, live lives that are worthy of the gospel, and walk in fullness of joy.



Jesus Christ is Supreme and Head Over All

Paul magnifies and exalts Christ. Then, he exhorts Christians to live according to Christ.



For Love’s Sake

An expository sermon through the entire book of Philemon.