Walking By Faith

What does it mean to walk by faith and how can we effectively do It?

Let’s Talk About It.

Key Takeaways

Faith is not just a nebulous idea or positive thinking, but a trust in God's Word and His promises.

  • Walking by faith means trusting in God's provision and His faithfulness, not necessarily getting what we want.

  • It is important to understand the evidence and historical context behind our faith, and not believe things just because we want to.

  • Misusing faith by making up our own promises or expectations can lead to disappointment.

  • Faith is a way of life, a state of mind or attitude of the heart, where we live with confidence in Christ's power and the atoning work He has done. Faith is not just intellectual assent, but a trust in the character of God.

  • Understanding the gospel involves a love for the truth and a response to God's presence.

  • Walking by faith means trusting God's promises even when we don't see immediate results.

  • Putting our faith in God's Word is essential for a strong and lasting faith.

  • Belief in the gospel leads to a change in life direction and a response of gratitude and love. Walking by faith means trusting God and taking Him at His word

  • Faith is not about mustering up faith or pursuing personal desires

  • Walking by the Spirit fuels our living by faith and gives us the strength to trust God

  • Faith is a sensible response to the Creator of the universe

  • Belief in God and obedience to His word is the smartest thing we can do

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