
What is baptism? How should it be done? Who can administer it?

Let’s talk about it.

Key Takeaways

Baptism is a divisive issue within Christianity, with different denominations holding different views.

  • Baptism is a sign of a believer's identification with Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.

  • Baptism does not save or impart grace; salvation comes through faith in the gospel.

  • Baptism serves as a reminder of a believer's immersion in Christ and their new life in Him.

  • Immersion is the most accurate representation of the believer's spiritual death and resurrection with Christ. Baptism is a symbolic act that represents the death and resurrection of Christ and the believer's identification with it.

  • The mode of baptism should be full immersion in water, as it accurately represents the burial and resurrection of Christ.

  • Infant baptism is not supported by the Bible, as baptism is always preceded by belief and infants are not capable of believing.

  • Arguments from silence are weak, and the absence of explicit mentions of baptism in later biblical texts does not imply its cessation.

  • Baptism is a personal and meaningful experience that should not be withheld from believers, as it serves as a reminder of their faith and participation in the body of Christ. There is no strict biblical teaching on who can administer baptism, but it is generally recommended that pastors and elders do it.

  • Baptism is a significant and meaningful act that symbolizes our immersion into Christ and our identification with Him.

  • Rebaptism may be necessary in certain cases, such as when someone did not fully understand the purpose of baptism or when their previous baptism was not done in accordance with their current beliefs.

  • Problem passages related to baptism can be better understood when interpreted in light of the overall biblical teaching on salvation and baptism.

  • Baptism is an important step of obedience for believers and should be done with a clear understanding of its significance.

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